Is this possible???

  • Is there a way create a query search form in ASP for the client to do their own queries? In other words some thing like a form with radio/check boxes for the < , > , Like , = and a box for what they are looking for.

    Also can an ASP mailmerge be performed in SQL to MS WORD?

    These will actually tie in together at some point.

  • Yes, it is possible. However, I doubt that it is adviseable. See if these links help

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Anything is possible given time and money.

    There are probably ActiveX controls out there that will do exactly what you want.

    I would not feel comfortable letting users fire off queries without some form of sanity checking done against the queries.

    My approach, assuming you can't buy the ActiveX control, would be to write a small app that allows the user to select columns and basic operations, and then the app assembles the query as best it is able.

    You can trigger Word events by using sp_OA... stored procedures to instantiate objects. Again, I would not feel comfortable having Word on a SQL box. You are probably better off coming up with a way of downloading a file from your web app of the records you want to include in a mail merge. You users could then do the mail merge from their local copies of Word.

  • Be careful using word automation on a server. It'll throw up interactive message boxes here there and everywhere which canhave some shocking results! 

    Nigel Moore

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