Isolation levels

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Isolation levels

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Back to basics! (or at least it should be)

    Thanks for the question.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (8/6/2013)

    Back to basics! (or at least it should be)


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Out of 3 i choose 2 correct and miss 1. today i learn something new.:-)

    Vinay Kumar
    Keep Learning - Keep Growing !!!

  • Good! It's good practise to remember basic concepts!


  • Was looking for the trick in the question - great back to basics. Thanks.

  • Nice question. We need more like this 🙂


  • Michael Riemer (8/6/2013)

    Was looking for the trick in the question - great back to basics. Thanks.


    SQL Server DBA | MCSE SQL Server 2012/2014

  • Nice question and Answer!

    Two great questions two days in a row.


  • Danny Ocean (8/6/2013)

    Out of 3 i choose 2 correct and miss 1. today i learn something new.:-)

    + 1 :doze:

    Everything is awesome!

  • Easy question, but good 🙂

  • IgorMi (8/5/2013)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/questions/Concurrency/100628/">Isolation levels</A>

    Please sir, I want some more. Thanks for the question.

    [font="Verdana"]Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.[/font]
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  • Good question (well I liked it anyway). Easy to understand what was being asked, and easy to work out what the answers were if you had the required knowledge. It is also a topic which is (or should be) relevant to most DBAs.



  • Nice question

  • These kind of quesitons should be asked regularly as they keep brushing your basics. I feel these concurrency theories get complex even not looked out for a while. So a good quesiton for me. 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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