Issue displaying External Image

  • Hello

    I'm having some issues showing an external image on a report

    There's a few posts on this site that describe a similar issue

    I've followed and nothing seems to work

    I've taken the following steps

    1. Created a folder called Images on the home directory of Reporting services

    2. Uploaded the image here (test.png)

    3. Viewed the image via Reporting services by simply clicking on test.png; This works

    4. Created a new Visual Studio project on my reporting services server (so everything is on the same server)

    5. Created a new report

    6. Added an image to the report

    7. Edited the properties of the image and amended the source to embedded, located test.png and tested; This works

    8. Edited the properties of the image and amended the source to external

    9. Under Use this image I've tried

    a. Literally put in the URL as copied from Images/test.png

    b. Just put ="Images/test.png"

    Both fail (red x) and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong

    Any thoughts as I prefer external rather than embedding as we have changed our logo twice this year


    - Damian

  • Hi Damian,

    You will need to configure an Unattended Execution Account for the report server. It will be under that account that SSRS will be accessing the image rather than it's service account. When it's not configured it usually uses an anonymous account. You can do this through the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

  • Unfortunately, this as not worked, even using my account

    This is really frustrating as I have now spent a number of hours trying everything

    All I want to do is put an image on a report that comes from an external source, rather than embedding it

    I've tried putting the image on the server, then using ="file:E:\<filename>"

    Any thoughts?


    - Damian

  • Test.png? Does that have transparency in it? Try saving the image as a gif (you can keep transparency in gifs, I used Gimp).

    I didn't spot that, I've had issues where png doesn't show up when rendering, I didn't get the red x though.

  • Unfortunately, it still fails

    So, I have an execution account set up (as me) through Reporting Services Configuration Manager

    I've added an image

    Set the Source to external

    Set the value to ="file:///e:\Test.gif"

    Now I get the images symbol (cactus) in the top left

    For info, if I go into expression, it's underlined in blue

    If I click on the expression, it opens the image as an extra tab without any problems

    A couple of sites have suggested ReportViewer1.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = True as the default is false

    I don't know how to set this though or whether this is pointing me in the wrong direction



    - Damian

  • I believe that last piece of advice would relate to the .NET ReportViewer control and isn't related to the ReportManager.

    I also do not believe you are allowed to use a file path. There is some advice here.

    Here's how I normally do it (I appreciate this is going over what you may have done).

    Create a folder on Report Manager, i.e. Images.

    Grant the Unattended Execution Account the Browser role on that folder.

    Upload images to the folder.

    Edit the report in Visual Studio, set the image to External and the "Use this image" to "/Images/myimage.png" (without quotes).


    The image should display in the report.

    ***Edit - actually a thing to note is the path can be either relative to your current path or absolute. Ensure you have the / in front of it if your report is in a separate subfolder from root ***

    This should work. Beyond this, I'm afraid, I'm at a loss and hopefully someone else will be able to help you.

  • Finally got this working!

    Not sure if it's the benefit of going away and coming back with a fresh mind

    Basically, I followed your expression structure and it still came back with a red x (/Images/Test.png)

    This time though, after publishing, the logo appears

    So, it's still not showing in VS but (and this is the important part!), it is showing in the report RS

    It exports to Excel with no issues

    I've overwritten the logo in the Images folder and it dynamically updates the logo on the report

    It's working exactly as I require

    I must have tried pretty every combination previously

    I think it was just a classic case of needing somebody looking over my shoulder (obviously not physically) to get it working!

    Thanks for your help


    - Damian

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