Issue - Dynamic Columns(may be one column or 10 columns or 100 columns) depends on the DateParameter we specify.

  • i have a requestid's with start date and Close Date. I should generate a report in SSRS the cout of requests closed in 0 day, 1 day, 2 day, 3 day....(no limit).

    My column headers are like this: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10+ Days. If there is no requests closed in 1 day I should show '0' (zero).

    There are some calculations based on the columns generates.

    Condition: Close Date is the value, i will pass through the report @CloseDate parameter.

    I tried with dynamic query, dynamic query will not execute until i give the Close Date parameter.

    If there is no parameter no columns will generate, if there are no columns then report throws an error.

    Dataset will not create until there is a value to the report parameter.

    I struggling a lot for the solution. Appriciate your help and suggestions

  • Did you try to assign a default value to the @CloseDate parameter?

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  • I tried but not solving the problem.

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