issue w/ command shell master..xp_cmdshell.

  • DECLARE @result int

    EXEC @result = master..xp_cmdshell 'C:\AYSS\encrypt_by_GPG.bat'

    IF (@result = 0)

    PRINT 'Success'


    PRINT 'Failure'


    the results are:


    C:\WINNT\system32>rem encrypt file


    C:\WINNT\system32>cd c:\program files\GNU\GNUPG


    C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG>gpg -r --encrypt c:\ayss\ayss.txt

    gpg: skipped: public key not found

    gpg: c:\ayss\ayss.txt: encryption failed: public key not found


    If the batch file 'encrypt_by_GPG.bat' is run by double-clicking on it. It runs well and the file is encrypted and generated. However, if you run it through MS SQL master..xp_cmdshell, I got public key not found error.

  • Does GPG store the encryption keys in the registry for each user? If so, then are you testing it using the same account that is running the SQL Server service?

    Also, have you considered using an SSIS package to do these sorts of tasks? It's a lot safer and I guess you're probably going to be moving files around/ftp'ing after this, which is all a lot less hassle in SSIS.

  • Are those results from you running the file or SQL Server? I'd agree with the post above that you might have user issues from the SQL Service account, or the XP_CMDSHELL proxy.

  • yea that was it. Thanks guys. I should have known that. I had the same issue in the past when implimenting SFTP.

    Thanks for your help and timely response!

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