Issue with parameter

  • I am trying to create a procedure for logging the errors.

    In all of my proceudres i am making generic proc for logging the errors.

    Here is the new procedure -

    CREATE  PROCEDURE  [dbo].[Log]
    @ProcedureName varchar(100),
    @ProcessName varchar(50),
    @ActualColumn varchar(100),
    @Error varchar(50),
    @ErrorLine int,
    @Description varchar(1000)


    INSERT INTO dbo.ErTable
    ProcedureName, --

    In exisitng procedure i am calling the above procedure as like this- basically these two paramters are commin from procedure Main.then how to pass this values to dbo.Log procedure? DO i need to keep it as OUT param there ?

    Create procedure dbo.Main
    Exec Log(@ProcessName,@TN + ' - ' +  @WDATE)

  • I'm not sure what you mean by 2 parameters, it looks like your dbo.Log procedure has 6 parameters.  You'd probably want to call this in some kind of TRY-CATCH block, such as in the example here:
    Be careful about transactions though, if you have a transaction in the calling stored proc, you may want to get the attributes of the error and pass them into this Log proc, making sure to roll back the transaction before you call Log proc so your INSERT INTO dbo.ErTable doesn't get rolled back along with the failed transaction.

  • TY
    Resolved the issue..and we are using try catch block in main procedure

    Quick question on the Active Column.

    In the main procedure I have declared variable called KValue
    Data type for WDATE is DATETME and TN is varchar(11)

    DECLARE @KValue varchar(100)

    SET @KValue = @TN + ' - ' + Weekend:  CAST(@WDATE AS VARCHAR(50) + ID:@GID)

    Exec InsertLogError @ProcessName, @KValue

    I am looking the data in this format - AJ8574773, Weekend: 03/24/2016, ID: 1838474
    But in the Ertable i am getting as AJ8574773
    - March 24 2016 12:00AM

    May I know how to cast it to get in this format - AJ8574773, Weekend: 03/24/2016, ID: 1838474)

  • I don't understand the question here at all. But as posted your main procedure is going to fail because your log procedure requires 6 parameters and you have passed it 2. You are going to have to provide more details before anybody can offer much more than blind guesses.


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  • mcfarlandparkway - Wednesday, March 22, 2017 3:22 PM

    Resolved the issue..and we are using try catch block in main procedure

    Quick question on the Active Column.

    In the main procedure I have declared variable called KValue
    Data type for WDATE is DATETME and TN is varchar(11)

    DECLARE @KValue varchar(100)

    SET @KValue = @TN + ' - ' + Weekend:  CAST(@WDATE AS VARCHAR(50) + ID:@GID)

    Exec InsertLogError @ProcessName, @KValue

    I am looking the data in this format - AJ8574773, Weekend: 03/24/2016, ID: 1838474
    But in the Ertable i am getting as AJ8574773- March 24 2016 12:00AM

    May I know how to cast it to get in this format - AJ8574773, Weekend: 03/24/2016, ID: 1838474)

    Look at CONVERT if you want your dates styled a certain way.


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  • Hello Sean,
                          I forgot to remove paramters in my log procedure after I removed it went successful..Now theissue for me is with date format

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