It's Here

  • I ordered my new laptop last week from the Dell outlet. I've had good luck with Dells in various companies in the past and a few people responded that they had done well with Dell notebooks as well.

    So I got a ship notification on Friday, which was pretty quick since I'd ordered it on Wednesday. However the Dell site didn't provide a tracking number. That was strange. Since I'd gotten just about every other thing listed that I ordered from Dell, including the web server I ordered 3 years ago.

    The shipping time frame was less than 5 days, so I was expecting the worst case, this coming Friday. Today as I was putting out some trash, however, I was pleasantly surprised when the UPS guy drove up and gave me a box from Dell. Since I'd gotten the Inspiron 9300, I was expecting a big box and it to be heavy. My buddy Bob always complains about the weight of his 15" screen, so I thought this would be a load.

    I was surprised that it wasn't that heavy, so I opened it on the trunk of the car to check it out. Sure enough, it's a 17" screen and huge. My wife thought it was a beast, but surprisingly light. In fact, it's lighter than the 12" Toshiba I've been lugging on a few trips. And with all that space next to and below the keyboard, I'm thrilled.

    So now it's software time, installing this, that, and pretty much everything else. Since I trashed the XP Home that came on it and added in XP Pro immediately, I didn't have the drivers, so I had to work my way around the old computer and download drivers, installing them using my USB key until I could get the wireless network working.

    One interesting note on Dell's site. They do a wonderful job of getting everything nearby, but from the systems page, if I click the invoice number, which is one of the two highlighted links, I get a list of the equipment, but no links to support or drivers for the items installed. I had to click around and find that I click the description to find another link that takes me to support for my model. I had a nice delay while I went back and forth from the equipment page to the support page trying to get drivers until I found the shortcut.

    It's a good thing the kids weren't home and my wife was out so they didn't have to listen to my tirade.

    Come to the PASS Summit and see me and my new laptop. Enter the "SSC" promotion code and join me for some blackjack.

    Steve Jones

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  • Do I have to tell you that I care?  Come on I am sure you are very excited about receiving your new toys.  I am happy for you.



  • I am just depressed because I don't have any new toys!!!

    It's always fun setting up the new toy and playing, congats and enjoy!


  • I'm with Darrell.  I don't even have an OLD laptop to replace!  Hey!  Whaddya doin' with your old one??????


  • Steve,

    You can have it if you want. It's sitting under my desk, but for the shipping cost, you could probably get one on ebay that would beat it's socks off.

    I can bring it to TechEd or PASS and if someone wants it, give it away. It works good for a kid needing a place to type or do some minimal email/browsing. battery is dead though.

    Alright, I feel better, someone cares.

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