ive lost "northwind.mdb"

  • hiya,

    the above database has been deleted from my instance of sql2k.

    I searched for "northwind.mdb" on my sql2k disk and also on the net.

    I apologise for the stupid question, but does anyone know where I can download the .mdb file?

    yours in stupidity


  • If you don't have access to another instance, you may have to re-install.  If you have enough space, you could install a named instance, backup Northwind ( or stop SQL and copy the database files), then delete the named instance.  Then I would suggest taking a backup of all the databases on your server. 


  • No need to feel stupidity for this.

    Follow the link


    Download the executable and execute it.



  • hiya,

    ta for the advice.

    I tried installing a named instance, but northwind.mdf did not turn up.

    then, I downloaded and ran the script.

    However, when i tried to atach, I got the error:

    error 5123: CREATE FILE encountered OS system error.

    I think this might be to do with another another problem which I'll post.



  • Northwind Sample Database

    The Northwind Traders sample database contains the sales data for a fictitious company called Northwind Traders, which imports and exports specialty foods from around the world.

    If you have made changes to the Northwind database, you can reinstall it by running a script from the Install directory of your Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 installation:

    1. At the command prompt, change to the Mssql\Install directory.
    2. Use the osql utility to run the Instnwnd.sql script:
      osql/Usa /Psapassword /Sservername /iinstnwnd.sql /oinstnwnd.rpt

    3. Check Instnwnd.rpt for reported errors.

    The database is created in the Data directory of your SQL Server installation.

    Above info retrieved from BOL.




  • hi folks, I managed to get it installed.



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