Japnese char in XML

  • when trying process the following string as an XML statement, the japanese character are causing a failure. the code follows the error.


    Msg 6355, Level 16, State 1, Line 55

    Conversion of one or more characters from XML to target collation impossible


    declare @data XML, @NValue nVarchar(max)

    declare @segment_id int

    declare @segs table (segment_id int, nodeName nvarchar(max), nodeValue nvarchar(max));


    select segment_id, tool_data_xml from CM_segments

    xwhere len(cast(tool_data_xml as nvarchar(max))) < 10000

    order by segment_id

    OPEN Cursor_segments

    FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor_segments INTO @segment_id, @data



    print 'Processing Segment: ' + cast (@segment_id as varchar)

    Print cast (@data as nvarchar(MAX))

    -- get the list of expressions

    DECLARE Exp_cursor CURSOR for

    select x.nodeValue



    SELECT cast (node.query('fn:local-name(.)') as varchar(max)) AS NodeName, cast (node.query('./text()') as varchar(max)) AS NodeValue

    FROM @data.nodes(N'//*') T(node)

    ) x

    where cast (x.nodeName as varchar(max)) = 'EXPRESSION'

    OPEN Exp_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM exp_cursor INTO @nvalue



    print @nvalue

    insert into @segs

    select distinct segment_id, nodeName, nodeValue from dbo.fn_get_attrib_guid_from_xml(@segment_id, @nvalue)

    FETCH NEXT FROM exp_cursor INTO @nvalue


    CLOSE Exp_cursor

    DEALLOCATE Exp_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor_segments INTO @segment_id, @data


    CLOSE Cursor_segments

    DEALLOCATE Cursor_segments

    select * from @segs

  • when defining your cursor, maybe you could use nvarchar(max) instead of varchar(max), just a thought!

    DECLARE Exp_cursor CURSOR for

    select x.nodeValue



    -- this line I would change each occurrence of 'varchar(max)' to 'nvarchar(max)'

    SELECT cast (node.query('fn:local-name(.)') as nvarchar(max)) AS NodeName, cast (node.query('./text()') as nvarchar(max)) AS NodeValue

    FROM @data.nodes(N'//*') T(node)

    ) x

    where cast (x.nodeName as varchar(max)) = 'EXPRESSION'

    OPEN Exp_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM exp_cursor INTO @nvalue

    its worth a try right?!?!

  • I tried it but same result...

  • Try using .value() instead of .query. I think that the .query may have an implicit conversion to varchar in it somewhere. With the .value, you can specify an explicit conversion to nvarchar.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • It is probably coming from the TVF dbo.fn_get_attrib_guid_from_xml. Have you stepped through this because I believe the rest of your code looks fine?

  • The nvarchar change worked. I had not updated the function.

    Thanks for the help...

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