Job does not fail... but does not work?

  • Hi,

    I have set up two jobs that run stored proceedures on the SQL agent. These jobs run on a daily schedule, and always report that they have succeeded.

    However, when I check the results, it is clear the proceedures have not run.

    I can run the stored proceedures fine. I can also select "start at step" and run the agent job without any problems - just the schedule doesn't work.

    I have also setup the agent to run on my account to check if it's a permission issue, and I have the same problem.

    Any advice appreciated.

  • Hello,

    What results are you getting in the Job History? Can you post a sample?

    In the Advanced Settings for a Job Step there is the option to save all the step's output. That might help diagnose the issue. (Please see BOL Topic – “Job Step (Advanced Tab)”)


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

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