Job Execution Reports Success

  • Hi I have a scheduled job with 22 steps set up to run once weekly. It has processed before with no issues until this week. The job processed as normal upto step 7 then went through the remaining steps 8-22 in less than 5 seconds reporting no errors. If steps 8-22 ran through normally I would expect these to take a couple of hours.

    In job history all that is reported is

    Executed as user: . DTSRun: Loading... DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun: Package execution complete. Process Exit Code 0. The step succeeded.

    If I rerun the job manually it works ok!

    There are no messages in the error log, the server has disk space and the user account running SQL Agent has access rights and is a valid login.

    Any ideas on why this has happened or if anyone else has experienced this it would be greatly appreciated

  • I would like to recommend to add the log file in your job to trace the detail error.

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