Job status

  • Each morning I have to trudge through several server's job statuses to see if there were any problems that evening.  I have written a simple script to give me any unsuccessful jobs over a certian number of days.

    plan_name, database_name, activity, error_number, message, end_time

    FROM msdb..sysdbmaintplan_history

    WHERE error_number <> 0

    AND GETDATE() - 3 < end_time

    ORDER BY end_time DESC

    Is there any way to use the information kept in SQL Enterprise manager, specifically the list of servers to give me a list I can get all my job status in one output\email.  I figure I could run this on one server, create a linked server to the other servers, get the information into a temp table, drop the link and output the information.
  • You could do that.  It would probably be alot easier just to have each server send their own email, only sending the email if there are unsuccessful jobs.

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