• I have a sql job that has 7 steps. Each step says to go to the next step regardless of failure or sucess. Steps 4 and 5 are failing but I'm not receiving any notification. How can I get the job to send me a email when some of the steps fail and some succeed.




  • Basically I need to know if there is a way to cycle through all the steps regardless of failure and send me a notification of the steps that failed


  • you could create 2 steps for each "logical step"

    on success of step1 call step2a

    on failure of step1 call setp2b

    setp 2a just does sql code

    step 2b does an xp_sendmail (or whatever method) and then perform step 2 code

    on success of either of the step2 (a or b) go to step3a

    on failure of either step2 (a or b) go to step3b

    and so on.....


  • Thanks


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