Join methods and where clause

  • Hello...

    I've noticed something in my queries for which I cannot find much if any documentation. Hopefully one of the local gurus can explain.

    If I have this basic Master/Detail query:


    This one uses a standard Left Join and Where clause.







    tblMaster MAS

    LEFT JOIN tblDetail DET

    ON MAS.id_Master = DET.id_Master


    Master.SomeOtherProperty = 100

    Assuming one of the Master rows(Master5) contains no detail items in the Detail table - the query will NOT return a row containing Master5 and NULL for the detail.

    However, if I change the exact same query to this - I in fact DO get the Master row and NULL details.


    This one uses a modified Left join and no where clause at all. The "where" portion becomes part of the Left join







    tblMaster MAS

    LEFT JOIN tblDetail DET

    ON MAS.id_Master = DET.id_Master

    AND Master.ID_SomeOtherProperty = 100

    Can anyone explian why they behave differently ??? Or better yet - show me somewhere in the SQL Server documentation details on this behavior.

    Thanks in advance - B

  • This isn't a SQL Server thing, it's a SQL thing. The join clause is used first to pick the rows, at which point the rows with Master(5) and null details will be in the result set. AFTER this, the WHERE clause is applied and the items with a Masterother property = 100 will the the ONLY items returned. IF one of these rows happens to have a null details, it should get returned. Otherwise it's dropped.

    By moving to the ON clause, you keep that qualification in the join and not outside of the join.

    Steve Jones

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