Joining 2 tables, with all values from first

  • I'm trying to join 2 tables. This is a one-to-many (1-N) join. I have a table with accounts and another table with information about those accounts. The "many" table could potentially have up to 12 entries for each account. However, I only want to return the next (future) due date on the account. I could potentially have several future dates, but I only want the next one chronologically.

    If there is no future entry for a specific account, I want NULL values so that I still get a row with that account.

    I know I need a LEFT JOIN to accomplish this but everything I've written so far only returns the rows from the 2nd table with due dates. I want all the accounts, not just the ones with due dates.

  • Please see the first link in my signature. You need to provide ddl (create table), sample data (insert statements) and a clear explanation of what your desired output is based on your sample data.


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  • Investigate using "CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP(1)" , sounds like its what you need.

    Clear Sky SQL
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  • Dave,

    Thanks. Looks like OUTER APPLY is the way to go. Now, how do I do the "next" due date only? So, if there's 2 future due dates, I only want the next one not the one that follows it and we don't want any past due dates.

  • That is where the "Top 1" will come in handy.

    cross apply (select top 1 date from table order by DateCol desc)


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  • So something like this ?

    Create table #Cust


    CustomerId integer



    Create Table #Orders


    OrderId integer,

    CustomerId integer,

    DueDate date)


    insert into #Cust(CustomerId) values(1)


    insert into #Orders(OrderId,CustomerId,DueDate)


    insert into #Orders(OrderId,CustomerId,DueDate)


    insert into #Orders(OrderId,CustomerId,DueDate)



    select * from

    #Cust Outer apply (Select top(1) #Orders.*

    from #Orders

    where #Orders.CustomerId = #Cust.CustomerId

    and DueDate >= GETDATE()

    order by DueDate asc) as NextOrderDue

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Scott D. Jacobson (1/18/2012)

    I'm trying to join 2 tables. This is a one-to-many (1-N) join. I have a table with accounts and another table with information about those accounts. The "many" table could potentially have up to 12 entries for each account. However, I only want to return the next (future) due date on the account. I could potentially have several future dates, but I only want the next one chronologically.

    If there is no future entry for a specific account, I want NULL values so that I still get a row with that account.

    I know I need a LEFT JOIN to accomplish this but everything I've written so far only returns the rows from the 2nd table with due dates. I want all the accounts, not just the ones with due dates.

    You want all the rows from the second table??? Well, that's a right join, not a left join - perhaps that's your problem? Try "right outer join" and "full outer join" instead of "left outer join" and see if one of them givies you what you want.


  • Tom,

    Other way around. I want all the rows from the first table. If there's nothing to join on in the 2nd table, I'll take NULLs.

    It seems to me that this has some pretty good coverage:

    Thanks for all the help folks. I'll pop back if I can't work this out.

  • I think some here are operating under the assumption that no previous due dates are in that table. That's why they are selecting TOP 1.

    My guess is that the assumption is incorrect and you may have old (more than 1), current (only 1), and future (more than 1). Am I correct?

    EDIT: I saw script with duedate > GETDATE() πŸ˜‰ Sorry!

    CE - Microsoft

  • Scott D. Jacobson (1/18/2012)

    I'm trying to join 2 tables. This is a one-to-many (1-N) join. I have a table with accounts and another table with information about those accounts. The "many" table could potentially have up to 12 entries for each account. However, I only want to return the next (future) due date on the account. I could potentially have several future dates, but I only want the next one chronologically.

    If there is no future entry for a specific account, I want NULL values so that I still get a row with that account.

    I know I need a LEFT JOIN to accomplish this but everything I've written so far only returns the rows from the 2nd table with due dates. I want all the accounts, not just the ones with due dates.

    I think I know the problem here. These two queries are syntactically different:

    -- Gets all of tbla



    MIN( b.SomeDate) AS NextDueDate


    tbla AS a


    tblb AS b

    ON =

    AND b.SomeDate >= GETDATE()

    -- Does all JOINS, THEN reduces by the WHERE clause, tbla restricted



    MIN( b.SomeDate) AS NextDueDate


    tbla AS a


    tblb AS b

    ON =


    b.SomeDate >= GETDATE()

    When you want to limit the attached information in an outer join, you need to include your restriction in the ON clause, not the following WHERE clause. The WHERE clause will fire after the outer join completes.

    EDIT: Yes, it's missing group bys, I wasn't going for syntactically perfect, before someone nails me on that... πŸ™‚

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • Evil Kraig F (1/19/2012)

    Scott D. Jacobson (1/18/2012)

    I'm trying to join 2 tables. This is a one-to-many (1-N) join. I have a table with accounts and another table with information about those accounts. The "many" table could potentially have up to 12 entries for each account. However, I only want to return the next (future) due date on the account. I could potentially have several future dates, but I only want the next one chronologically.

    If there is no future entry for a specific account, I want NULL values so that I still get a row with that account.

    I know I need a LEFT JOIN to accomplish this but everything I've written so far only returns the rows from the 2nd table with due dates. I want all the accounts, not just the ones with due dates.

    I think I know the problem here. These two queries are syntactically different:

    -- Gets all of tbla



    MIN( b.SomeDate) AS NextDueDate


    tbla AS a


    tblb AS b

    ON =

    AND b.SomeDate >= GETDATE()

    -- Does all JOINS, THEN reduces by the WHERE clause, tbla restricted



    MIN( b.SomeDate) AS NextDueDate


    tbla AS a


    tblb AS b

    ON =


    b.SomeDate >= GETDATE()

    When you want to limit the attached information in an outer join, you need to include your restriction in the ON clause, not the following WHERE clause. The WHERE clause will fire after the outer join completes.

    EDIT: Yes, it's missing group bys, I wasn't going for syntactically perfect, before someone nails me on that... πŸ™‚

    I would say it's better to include it before the ON clause, so that it's clear what's going on: in this case



    MIN( b.SomeDate) AS NextDueDate


    tbla AS a


    (select SomeDate from tblb where b.SomeDate > GETDATE()) b

    ON =

    BUT: I wouldn't be surprised if all three versions produced the same query plan, it probably depends on the data/statistics.

    sdit: and of course I'm deliberately omitting the group bys too.


  • L' Eomot InversΓ© (1/20/2012)

    I would say it's better to include it before the ON clause, so that it's clear what's going on: in this case

    BUT: I wouldn't be surprised if all three versions produced the same query plan, it probably depends on the data/statistics.

    Actually, Tom, I could see the one where you're using the subquery and I'm including it in the ON clause producing the same query plan, but the one where the WHERE occurs would definately be different, simply because it has to filter at a different point of inclusion.

    Your version would definately be more clear, I'm just used to working directly in the ON clause at this point so it's easier for me to read that then subqueries. When I see a subquery I usually assume some special logic is occuring (like subtotaling) other than a pre-join filter.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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