Kicking of push subscription when snapshot completes

  • Can anyone tell me how to join this up. I have set up replication so that I have a snapshot and distribution agent. I can manually kick off the snapshot and the populates the share..fine. I can then kick of the distribution agent and that populates my new database...fine, but how can I get the distribution to automatically kick off when the snapshot completes?


  • Ok I have setup the subscription to run in continous mode however not sure what is happpening as this was working but now isn't. The Distrib.exe is not running continously on the server, should it be?

  • ok seems the distrib.exe should only run when its need to call the job. The problem was in a post snapshot script.

  • all replication tasks create sql agent jobs..

    all I have done is add steps before/after the replication jobs for snapshot generation and the distrubution to a remote server\database that call either job or other jobs..

    ..for instance our snapshot job is called: D-DBxx\FWKI-ss_fwxx-xx_To_MIS_Replication-1

    In here we have added steps to alter compatability to 80 (as we push the snapshot to a sql 2000 server), then at the end we have a step to then call the distribution job..

    so you could just add step 3 to your snapshot job: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'Start applying snapshot for SS_FWMIS' (just add your job name - if to a remote server you will need to setup a linked server, with mapped security and a Remote Login sp_addremotelogin)

    ** Check the agent job step is the correct one it should have Replication Snapshot in the step type.


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