KILL not working

  • I am trying to kill a process that shows up as runnable, but the process won't go away. Any suggestions?


  • The process you are trying to kill, did it perform a lot of operations? One thing to remember about the KILL command is it will attempt to roll back any operations performed by the SPID that are uncommitted.

    Sometimes, of course, this doesn't work and restarting the service is your only option. However, before you resort to this, look at the usage of the SPID using queries against sysprocesses to make sure it isn't hung.

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • The command being executed is BACKUP DATABASE... and has been running since Dec. 6. There is a lot of CPUtime and DiskIO associated with the SPID, but I don't think there is anything to roll back. Is there any way to remove this orphan process (if that's what it is) without having to cycle SQL Server? Can I drop a row from sysprocesses, for example?

  • Is this backup process created by maintenance wizard? If it was, go to server task manager, find the sqlmaint.exe and kill it.

  • No, the backup process is a third party product called Backup Exec running on a different server.

  • Killing the Backup Exec process (restarting the service) on the other machine should take care of it. If there is a SQL Server scheduled task, restarting SQL Agent should also work.

  • Thank you jxflagg. The suggestion to stop the third party service did the job.

  • Try undocumented DBCC PSS with your SPID, it should sugest the status of the process, and then you can decide whether you can rollback it or take some other action.

  • quote:

    Try undocumented DBCC PSS with your SPID, it should sugest the status of the process, and then you can decide whether you can rollback it or take some other action.

    What are the valid parameters for dbcc pss?

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