Largest MS SQL Server Databases

  • My last gig was a couple hundred GB across 50 or so databases but very very busy... like 3500-4500 batch requests a second busy on the most active DB.

    My current gig is a couple hundred databases ranging from a few GB to 4 of 5 in the 10+ TB range. Some OLAP, some OLTP, some mirroring, some log shipping, some clustering, some virtual, some physical, some on tiered sans, some on single boxes. Lucky for me I also have a great team of folks to help this time around. Unlike my last spot (and the one before that as well) where I was all alone.

  • I have worked on a few in the range of 8+TB.

    I have also supported 4500 Instances with multiple databases each.

    I have done very busy OLTP and also some very boring OLTP environments.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • We have a spatial database which is just over 7 petabytes

  • aneesh-295465 (1/29/2015)

    We have a spatial database which is just over 7 petabytes

    Wow, what's in there, if you can disclose.

    Any chance you want to write about the challenges of doing anything (admin or dev) on something that large?

  • we have one here over 8TB in size and growing


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (1/29/2015)

    we have one here over 8TB in size and growing


  • Andrew Kernodle (2/21/2014)

    Personally, I'm working with 2,659 databases, which add up to about 700GB of data altogether.

    And yes, this is a horrible, horrible design by a vendor :-D. Really, all of these databases could just be tables in a single database (they're even set up to be as such!), but it works. Mostly. Sometimes. If you shake the server once a week or so.

    I'm sitting in a somewhat smaller but wider boat on that case,not that many databases,but a lot of databases that are literal datacopy of a 'master' database (not to be confused with the master sys database) just to allow different departments to do the different things on the same data. Also about 10 different production instances divided over 3 different physical machines.

    The EvE Online database is quit complex in structure and was reported to use some 34 GB of ram to run (2011)

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/29/2015)

    aneesh-295465 (1/29/2015)

    We have a spatial database which is just over 7 petabytes

    Wow, what's in there, if you can disclose.

    Any chance you want to write about the challenges of doing anything (admin or dev) on something that large?

    Database holds Mostly GIS data, with our current infrastructure, we cant handle any more data, we are in the process of buying additional storage and 4 more 20 core servers.

    This is the production data; we dont have any HA solution, thats the part I am working on now.

    Developers use a staging server which is a small subset of the production data, the changes to this are pushed to the production database.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

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