Launch exe on another machine, from db server job?

  • I have a back process machine that has an application launcher.  This launches a series of applications that run automatically, and connect to the db to perform individualized tasks.  This Launcher app needs to run in the space of this back end machine, not on the server. 

    I know I can use xp_cmdshell to launch applications, but in the space of the db server machine...

    Can I use the Agent to schedule a job that will launch an application on this back process machine?



  • Remote Access service on back process server may help.

  • I am not familiar with how one would accomplish this.  Can you expound?




  • It was mean Remote Command Service, a nt4 technology allow administrator run command-line program remotely.

    On the same line:

    wshremote object of wsh can run scripts on remote machines.

    If your can service the launcher program, then sc command can be used.

  • -- From the help text--

    The Remote Command Service (RCMD.EXE) provides a secure, robust way to remotely administer and run command-line programs. RCMD consists of client and server components. The client is a command-line program, RCMD.EXE. The server end, RCMDSVC.EXE, is installed and run as a service.

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