Life is Short

  • My sympathies Steve, on the loss of your good friend. Sounds like you spent many happy times together with your kids. Good stuff.

  • Tom@Intel (4/25/2011)

    Thanks for this message Steve - I am sorry for your loss.

    I learned this same lesson last year when I lost my wife after a long battle with cancer. Balance, with an eye to the future, but both feet firmly planted in the present. Let's live with purpose and, respect for those precious souls who journey with us. Yes life is too short and it should be, and when we get to the end of it, whenever that is, I want to say wow! what a ride.

    My condolences to you on the loss of your wife. My wife and I talked about that this weekend and how hard it would be for one of us to lose the other.

    Glad you are moving on with life.

  • mikes 7125 (4/25/2011)

    My cousin is now in the hospital, the outlook is not good. We grew up together and are more like brothers than cousins. Life is short. Make the most of it.

    Sorry to hear that and my best wishes to him getting better.

  • I have never been one to take life for granted. However, three years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 42. After successful surgery my wife encouraged me to go and buy a cool car that I wanted. I did and my wife and I have had a blast with it and I even started a car club in our area. I manage our clubs website and coordinate meets here in Ohio. My wife loves the car and is always wanting me to do more to the car. She and I have had a blast doing all of this together. All of this coming from a quiet person that was always behind the scenes as a follower not a leader believe it or not. 5 or 10 years ago I would have never thought I'd be running a car club and managing a website for it and having this much fun with all of this.

    Life throws curve balls and you just never know where it will lead you.

  • Condolences and prayers to your friend's family.

    I've lost an ex colleague last Friday who fought the battle against her cancer for a year.

    That are the kind of events that really put you back with your feet on the ground and make you reflect about life and the way you are living yours.

    Take some time, your friend deserves it.

    Have a look at the ones you care for and let them know you do.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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  • I'm truly sorry to hear that Steve.

    All in all, we're just "temps" here and our body comes with no guarantee whatsoever. The bright side is, it functions to motivate us to get our goals accomplished since the time is really short.

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

  • My condolences Steve and Tom@Intel.

  • Well stated Sir.

    "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;

    Remember that what you now have was once among things you only hoped for."


    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • What happened with the plane crash, Steve?

  • Short story: My friend arranged a "fly over" for the girl scout brownies that were transitioning from Brownies to Cadets at a small airpark about 2mi from my house. It's essentially a private airstrip with a few houses around it.

    I believe, but am not sure, that the girls each got a short plane ride for their ceremony. At the end, my friend went up for a ride in a small plane. It is not clear if this was for fun or a lesson, but shortly after takeoff there was an issue and the plane corkscrewed into the ground. No word from the FAA/NTSB on the cause, but the two people inside were killed.

  • I'm sorry for you and your friend.

    When it comes to life quality, I often enjoy my country. In Sweden, it's standard to have 5-6 weeks semester and some holidays. I have 6 weeks.

    I also just changed to work for a new employee, an insurance company that aims to be best at damage control for their customers and to be in the lead with technology and this far I like it.

    Here they even have summer time(!), so half a year we have 7h 15 min workdays and the other half is 8h workdays.

    That's something to talk with your employer about. And oh yeah, the company is in the lead of several market areas and is doing great. We also get to go on tech courses etc so life here seams to be good.

    Edit: btw, not sure if insurance companies are frown upon in your country or not, but in Sweden several of the larger companies has a good or decent reputation.

  • So sorry to hear about your loss.

    I have been a pilot since 1967 and have lost some friends this way, too. I'll keep looking for details especially from FAA/NTSB.

  • Steve is spot on and, to add to his message, my advice is to use ALL[/] of your vacation time. I must admit that I am bad about this but my wife is really good at planning fun trips for the family so I usually have very little (if any) vacation left at the end of the year.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

  • Tatsu (4/27/2011)

    Steve is spot on and, to add to his message, my advice is to use ALL[/] of your vacation time. I must admit that I am bad about this but my wife is really good at planning fun trips for the family so I usually have very little (if any) vacation left at the end of the year.

    Excellent advice, and I am trying to get better about using my vacation. Look for a disappearing act soon. 😉

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