Limit of exec () and sp_executesql

  • A simple stored procedure loops through all tables in a database as shown below.

    I'm stumped by the fact that in this loop I don't seem to be able to get a record count of the current table using exec () or sp_executesql. With the latter you can pass variables but you can't get anything coming back. What am I missing here?

    declare tabs cursor for

      select name

      from dbo.sysobjects

      where type='U' and ...

      order by name

    declare @tabname varchar(50)

    declare @recs int

    open tabs

    fetch next from tabs into @tabname

    while @@fetch_status=0


        set @stmt='select @recs=count(*) from '+@tabname

        exec sp_executesql @stmt

        <<<do something if table contains at least one record>>>   

        fetch next from tabs into @tabname


    close tabs

    deallocate tabs


  • Check this out :

    Also if and estimation is enough for you, you can use the sysindexes tables :



                   MAX(i.rowcntAS RowCounts 

    FROM           dbo.Sysindexes I 

                   INNER JOIN dbo.SysObjects O 


    WHERE          I.indid IN (0,1)

                   AND o.XType 'U'

    --HAVING MAX(i.rowcnt) > 0

    GROUP BY        O.Name 

    ORDER BY        O.Name

    If you need the actual count, you can run sp_updatestats before running that query... but a table scan is safer in that case.

  • Well at least with this query I can get at the row counts.

    But the stuff at that link is pretty murky. I can't make heads or tails out of it and apply it to my original problem. It seems to be very esoteric use of EXEC () and sp_executesql. But a good night's sleep should help...

  • Slept on it. Decided to use VB+ADO. SQL Server dynamic stored procedures are simply not up to this without giving you some serious and unnecessary headaches.

  • select row from sysindexes where id=object_id('table_name') and indid=0

     is better than

    select count(*) from table_name

    because the 2nd -scans the whole table whereas the 1st - contains the value itself

  • Did some searching on 'dynamic sql' and came up with this as the solution to my original problem.

    declare @tabname nvarchar(50)

    declare @count int

    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    select @tabname='sometable'

    select @sql=N'select @cnt=count(*) from '+@tabname

    exec sp_executesql @sql,N'@cnt int output',@cnt=@count output

    print @count

    It's the "@cnt=@count output" part that refuses to sink into my brain. BOL says that from the third position onwards you supply values for the parameters. Under normal circumstances this means that the stuff on the right hand side gets assigned to the variable on the left hand side. But with the 'output' modifier you make it go the other way?

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