linked server between SQL2005 and SQL2000 not working

  • Logged into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as OCINT\dba who is the db_owner and sysadmin on the SQL Server 2005 box.

    This Windows Authenticated Group also exists on the SQL 2000 Server I am trying to get to.

    I have run sp_addlinkedserver between the two machines.

    I have "... connections will be made using the logins current security context."

    When I run these two query's I get different results, why?


    count(*) from ECOMSQL.ECOMLIVE.dbo.AAHISTORY

    -- works fine logged in as self using Windows Authentication



    --does not work get below error message

    Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "ECOMSQL" does not contain the table ""ECOMLIVE"."INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.


  • Hi

    ha9 is my linked server name, PMS is database at that server



    this works fine for me.

    But when i do



    it throws same error as of your one, what i check my database name is case sensetive "PMS" - "pMS", as i have set the collate as Latin1_General_CS_AI

    this could be the your case too. So check & go for the exact case as the name of the database at the remote end.

    Best of luck.


  • Did you install the SQL Native client on your 2000 box? I have linked servers between 2005 and 2000, but we did not install the native client on the 2000 machine. We are just using OLEDB as the provider. The only things we have access to are stored procs and views. Since the system tables have changed we cannot hit tables directly.

    This does not answer you question, but at least lets you know someone else has experienced issues.

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