linked server not accessing through windows authentication

  • I am adding linked server with window authentication. Both the SQL servers are in the same domain. I have sysadmin rights through Active directory settings. But when I try to see tables under linked server it gives error.

    Error 18452 login failure for user '(null)'. Reason: not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

    I found the way arround by mapping logins with sql logins but I have to do it for all the developers and its pain in the butt. Also I don't want to have sql logins in server.

    I checked DHCP TCP/IP settings and its checked for register this connection. Also tried paying arround but no luck.

    Please help, if you come across this problem and found solution.



  • Hi Ajay,

    take a look at "Security Account Delegation" article in BOL ...

    Alexzander N. Nepomnjashiy

    Technical editor for Wrox Press:
    "SQL Server 2000 Fast Answers"

    Technical editor for Apress:
    "Honeypot for Windows"
    "SQL Server Yukon Revealed"

  • Yup, it's something called double-hop authentication.  SQL Server can talk to the linked server through it's own context, but when it tries to pass your NT authentication from your computer, to the sql server, to the linked server, it will fail.  If memory serves, there's not a good way around this.

  • I'm assuming the "Be Made using the login's current security context" option is what's breaking? Make sure the domain account you are using is in the local Admin group on both boxes.

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