Linked server to Access 2000

  • Please help!!!

    I need programmatically to load data from Access 2000 database to SQL server 2000 (populate tables in SQL Server).

    I  have user Admin with password ‘aaaa’ in Access.

    I wanted to use linked server:


    sp_addlinkedserver 'oct_18', 'Access 2000', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:\aaa\My.mdb'


    sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'oct_18', false, 'sa', 'Admin', 'aaaa'


    After this I am getting error “OLEDB provider reported error. Authentication failed.”


    The same error I am getting if I create the Linked Server manually with option

    “be made using the security context:   sa

                                                                  password ”


    How can I get it working programmatically?

    What wrong with my statements? Should I use ‘sa’ as a local login?

    If I go to Access and remove manually password then I can create linked server and load data. But I have to do it programmatically on user’s machines where Access has password.

  • Are you loading the data using Access or SQL

  • I am creating Linked server on SQL Server. I would like to load data from Access database to SQL server tables.

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