Linked server to MS Access

  • Hello All,

    I'm trying to create a new linked server through EM on a client machine connecting to an access app on the second server.  When on server 1, I can get connected to the app on server 2 but when on the client machine I get error 7399le db provider....IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0X800004005:  error.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • I think this should help



  • Thank you David,

    But before I try that work around, why am I able to make the linked connection from server 1 to server 2 (access app) but not from my pc.  I'm using EM to create the linked server.  If it is a permission issue wouldn't it also apply to both scenarios?

    Thanks again,


  • Could not get it to work so I cheated.  Created an Access DB on local drive on server 1 that pointed to the Access App on server 2.  Now it works!


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