Linked Server to Oracle

  • Is there a way to create a Linked Server to Oracle without utilizing SQLNet? I was hoping there would be a way similar to one can create a Linked Server to another SQL Server using ODBC specifying provider_string. Example: sp_addlinkedserver 'SQLPubs', ' ', 'MSDASQL', NULL, NULL,'Driver={SQL Server};Database=pubs;Server=SalesSvr;UID=sa;PWD=sapassword;'

    In otherwords, imbed the call to Oracle without using SQLNET.

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  • you can do this through ODBC by creating a DSN for the Oracle server as you would for sql. Most of my time at my last job was making connections to a Oracle DB to pull stats from the V$ tables and place them into a SQL DB for XML reporting on the fly through ODBC. I never had any problems with Oracle 7.3.x through 9i with this connection.

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