Linked Server Vs Remote Server

  • Can you have a Linked Server and a Remote Server with the same name pointing to the same server.

    For instance we have replication set up which automatically added a remote server with the name of the SQL Server that we are replicating to. Now I want to add that server as a linked server so I can use fully qualified names and it says the server already exists.

    However when I try to query using the full name it says 'Could not find server 'S00BSQL01' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers.'

    So, does anyone have any suggestions.

  • quote:

    Can you have a Linked Server and a Remote Server with the same name pointing to the same server.

    No, you can't have same name but you can create server alias using client network utility to the same server and set up your linked server with alias name.

  • That same trick can be used to more efficiently organize your SQL servers in Enterprise Manager as well.

    For instance, my SQL servers house multiple products but I organize EM via products and therefore need multiple registrations for each server.

    My EM is organized like:

    SQL Servers



    ------Prod1_Dev (alias for Srvr1)


    ------Prod1_QA (alias for Srvr2)


    ------Prod1_Prod (alias for Srvr4)



    ------Prod2_Dev (alias for Srvr1)


    ------Prod2_QA (alias for Srvr2)


    ------Prod2_Prod (alias for Srvr4)



    ------Prod3_Dev (alias for Srvr1)


    ------Prod3_QA (alias for Srvr3)


    ------Prod3_Prod (alias for Srvr4)

    Edited by - drbuckingham on 05/15/2003 5:23:15 PM

    David R Buckingham, MCDBA,MCSA,MCP

  • This KB article from MS might be what you need:;en-us;274098

    I ran into the same problem. The key is to set up the Linked server before setting up replication...but if you forgot, the script contained in the link will convert the server from a Remote server to a Linked Server.



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