Linked servers

  • Hi guys..

    I am in the process of migrating sql server 7.0 to sql server 2005..I have migrated all the objects of a given database into sql 2005 except linked servers, as there are other databases on the 7.0 server that might be using those linked servers..Now i want to create external linked servers associated with that database in 7.0 on sql 2005..Can some one help me how to find linked servers that are to be created on 2005..

  • From BOL:


    Returns the list of linked servers defined in the local server.

  • Through the GUI (i.e. SSMS, Enterprise Manager)...

    2005 - Linked Servers are listed under Server Objects within Object Explorer

    2000 - Linked Servers listed under Security

  • sun256 (1/23/2009)

    Hi guys..

    I am in the process of migrating sql server 7.0 to sql server 2005..I have migrated all the objects of a given database into sql 2005 except linked servers, as there are other databases on the 7.0 server that might be using those linked servers..Now i want to create external linked servers associated with that database in 7.0 on sql 2005..Can some one help me how to find linked servers that are to be created on 2005..

    The only way I know of that you can do this is by scripting out all your code (sprocs, UDFS, views etc.) in the particular db, and searching for each of the linked server names in the code. Whichever ones appear there are the ones you need to migrate to the sql 2005 instance. You will need to do the same for each of your other dbs (in the sql 7 instance), to ensure you keep all linked servers in the sql-7 that are needed. Some of the linked servers may be used by more than one dbs.

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  • If you need to identify script that comprises link server name you need only to call sys.syscomments where text like '%linksrv_name%'

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