Linked Servers

  • I am having a problem with a linked server setup, maybe someone can help me. I setup the linked server between my local (2000) and remote (7.0) SQL Servers and I can execute queries against tables in the remote database, but when I try to execute a stored proc in the remote database I get an error

    "Could not execute procedure on remote server 'ServerName' because SQL Server is not configured for remote access. Ask your system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server to allow remote access."

    I have triple checked the permissions, and everything seems to be OK, the user used for the link server has execute on the proc and all of the tables called by the proc, I just cannot figure it out! Anyone know anything I am missing?



  • Hi Curt,

    The subtle key word here may be the 'configure' one. It is a sql server 'server setting'. You'll find it on the Connections tab of the properties of your server within Enterprise Manager. Check mark that on both servers and you might be on your way. If not, let's hear more from you.


  • I believ if you open the properties linked server connection on your 2000 box and goto the last tab (in EM) you need to turn Data Access on, and RPC needs to be enablde). Sorry no server here and brains gone blank.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Thanks! That was it, I had to mark the checkbox labeled "Allow other SQL Servers to connect Remotely to this SQL Server using RPC" on the Connections tab of server I wanted to make the call from! I guess because it is a 2 way connection? Or just bad wording on the caption.. Oh well, it works now.

  • GREAT have a really good weekend now!


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