Linked Servers and windows Authentication

  • Right ive been on holiday and my first day back so maybe i am having a dumb;-) day or it just cant be done. Thought i'd ask the people of SSC for help :-D.

    I am trying to create a Linked Server between servers on the same domain, which seems simple enough and i have done so already using a SQL login which allows me database access. The issue i am having is that i need to change this login to a static Domain User Login.

    What i mean is that no matter what users uses the linked server it logs into the remote server under the same domain user.

    The reason for this is that the recipient servers database(s) CRM has inbuilt security which requires a windows user to access information via its filtered views and i am trying to take advantage of these views. If i use a SQL login i cannot access data via the filtered views because it has no AD information available in the CRM DB Users tables which means i need to access the underlying tables which can be done but leaves me open to issues when development or upgrades occur.

    I cannot replicate the database because this causes issues on the source CRM server.

    Any help would be appreciated..

  • Maybe a proxy account? Or use connection string?

    Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;

    User ID=myDomain\myUsername;Password=myPassword;

    Just throwing some ideas out there.

  • wicked, will give that a try now

    thanks for the help, will let you know how i get on 🙂

  • Ok finally figured this out. took a while because i had worked around the issue using SSIS initially but the work involved is a lot more than a simple SQL statement would be.

    So after picking this up 1st day back in the new year i was determined to work it out and came across this Article on Kerberos authentication. So after speaking to one of our network guys and deciding to implement this in our test environment. It turns out it resolved the connection issue.

    So for anyone else getting the error "Error 18456: Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'" with a windows authenticated linked server, you may want to take a look into the above link and see if it is helpful.

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