Linked Servers Vs SQL Server Remote Server Registration

  • Hi Everyone,

    What are the major differences in retrieving the data from one server to a different server using Linked server method and Remoted SQL Server Registration.

    I have two servers "Server A", and "Server B" and I loged into server A. Now I need to get the data from "Server B" from "Server A". One method of doing this to create a linked server and write select statement with four part identifier (servername. databasename.objectowner.tablename). The second method is register the second SQL Server "Server B" at "Server A" and connect to ServerB through Query analyzer then execute a select statement with just single identifier name (Table name only). I am very curious to know what are the major differences between Linked servers and Remote servers using SQL Server Registration. I have another problem that ServerB is registred at Server A as a remote server using SQL Server Registration and I wanted to created a linked server in Enterprise manager then It was thrown an error that "The Server B is already existed.  I appreciate if anyone share their knowledge regarding Linked Servers and Remote Servers.



  • from


    Linked servers are a superset of "remote servers." Remote servers allowed the running of stored procedures on distributed SQL Server machines. SQL 2000 BOL states, "Support for remote servers is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications that must execute stored procedures against remote instances of SQL Server should use linked servers instead." Support for remote servers may be discontinued in the future. In addition, remote servers only allowed stored procedures to be run. Linked servers allow both stored procedures and ad hoc queries.


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