Linked table - MS Access cant display SQL "numeric" data type?

  • All,

    I replicate one of our GUI's databases to a datawarehouse server for purpose of reporting. It is syncronized with replication. I have some users who use MS Access to report, they have setup a linked table into this database to one of the tables.

    One of the fields on the table is set to data type "numeric" on the SQL  Server. For some reason when users open the linked table the data in this particular column is in "scientific notation." (Ex: 1231E3)

    We are using SQL Server 2k SP3, and Office 2k. (Not sure of sp), MDAC 2.8 (but have tried other versions).

    I've also tried the obvious of widening the column when it is being displayed, and messing with various ODBC settings for kicks.

    Can anyone offer some advice other than changing the database data types on SQL Server? (Not an option at this point b/c its the back end for a 24x7 application)




  • You could have your ACCESS users build a base ACCESS query against the linked table rather than using the linked table directly. This base query would have each of the fields of the linked table listed separately, and on each of the numeric fields, the format property could be set to “FIXED”. Then this base query could be used as the source for all queries and reports.

  • Thanks, that worked.



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