Linking a DB2 AS400 server

  • Hey, I've been trying for a while to link an AS400 DB2 database to a SQL server. Actually, I need to be able to run queries against that DB2, but declaring a linked server sounds like a good option.

    The problem is I just don't know what provider to use or how to get it. I've tried several ways, and all I could get was a suggestion about intalling Host Integration Server. Does anyone know of another way? Where can I get the DLLs, connection strings, etc to do this??

    By the way, I have the "IBM AS400 Client Access Express" on my PC, so I already have the "Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)" ODBC driver, if that helps...

    Anyone can lead me please!

    Thanks a lot,


  • The Client Access Express driver should work, as long as the AS/400 is using the same version ( could be up to V5R3M0 ).

    Set up a valid DSN using the Client Access Driver you have. Then, in EM, set up the linked server and in the linked server set up applet, use the Microsoft OLEDB Provider for ODBC, Product Name is DB2 and the Provider String will be

    DSN=<your new DSN name>

    Make certain that you have already set up the alias for the AS/400 DB2 server

    in your SQL Server Client Network Utility.


    I have really been around with this... thanks a lot!!!

    Just a brief follow up:

    Can you tell me how to write the sql? (server, schema, catalog, etc). I don't really what the schema and catalog are in DB2. I tried:

    select * from [linked_server_name]..[library].[table_name]

    select * from [linked_server_name].[library]..[table_name]

    but none works....

    Thanks again!!!


  • Hi Alejandro

    This might be useful. From BOL,

    OLE DB Provider for DB2

    The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2, distributed with Microsoft® Host Integration Server 2000, allows Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 distributed queries to query data in DB2 databases.

    To create a linked server to access a DB2 database

    Install the Windows NT Client for Host Integration Server 2000 or the Windows 9x Client for Host Integration Server 2000 on a computer running an instance of SQL Server. Select the options to install the OLE DB Provider for DB2 and the network components needed to communicate with an IBM computer running in an SNA network.

    Determine the connection string the OLE DB Provider for DB2 needs to  access the DB2 data source you want to query. The best way to determine a connection string is to build a Data Link file using the Host Integration Server New OLE DB Data Source application. For more information, see the Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 documentation.

    Execute sp_addlinkedserver to create a linked server, specifying DB2OLEDB as the provider_name, the name of the DB2 catalog containing the data you want to access as catalog, and the connection string from Step 2 as provider_string.

    This example shows how to use sp_addlinkedserver to create a linked server definition accessing a DB2 database:

              EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'DB2SRV',

               @srvproduct = 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2',

               @catalog = 'SEATTLE',

               @provider = 'DB2OLEDB',

               @provstr =



                      Default Schema=WNW3XX;PkgCol=WNW3XX;TPName=;Commit=YES;


                      Data Source=Seattle_WNW3XX'

    Execute sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to create login mappings from SQL Server 2000 logins to DB2 logins.

    This example maps the SQL Server 2000 login SQLJoe to DB2 login DB2Joe:

           EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'DB2SRV', false, 'SQLJoe', 'DB2Joe', 'JoePwd'

    After completing these steps, you can use the linked server name DB2SRV as the server name in four part names and as linked_server in the OPENQUERY function. For example:




    When the distributed queries against DB2 data sources involve NULL comparisons, use IS

    NULL or IS NOT NULL rather than comparison operators, such as =, <, or >. In addition,

    INSERT statements should supply values for all columns in a table even if certain columns

    in the table can be NULL or have default values.


  • Select <fieldname1>, <fieldname-n> from [Servername].<DatabaseName>.<LibararyName>.<TableName> where <conditions>


    Best of luck. 

  • Ok, I read that syntax somewhere. The problem is that I don't know what to use as <DatabaseName> . I mean, when I enter AS400 and run queries from STRSQL, I logon to a SERVERNAME, and perform a query against a TABLENAME located in a LIBRARY (select * from library/tablename). But I never seem to specify a DATABASE. How can I found out what DATABASE to use? Thanks again, sorry I'm being such a newbie at this!

    Best regards

  • Never mind!! Got it!! I just had to repeat the server's name as Database (without domain qualification). Something like:


    Thanks a lot for your help!!! 

  • Get a copy of Client Express Toolkit (FREE) to see some samples of executing Select statements against a DB2 database.

  • Where can I get that one? I searched google for "Client Express Toolkit" and got noting...

    And finally, do you have any idea of how I can install the "Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)" without having to install the whole "IBM Personal Communications" or the "IBM AS400 Client Access Express" software?

    To begin with, they lost the installer CDs for those 2 softwares here at work . Moreover, I'd like to avoid installing the whole access software in a server where I only need the ODBC driver. I searched all over the net, and also inside but nothing....

    Thanks again!!

  • Hi,

    I´m trying to link my DB2 server but I have this error:

    "Error 7339: OLE DB Provider 'MDASQL' reported an error. Data Source not found and no default driver specified]

    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBInitialize:: Initialize return 0x80004005:  ]."


    Can anybody help me?


    Daniel Sousa

  • I am having the same issue.

    The problem is to find 'provider_name' in your case you specified MDASQL - which is a driver for MS SQL Server.

    Does any body know what the provider name is for iSeries 400?

  • This is a such great thread!

  • Hello, lucky...

    Is this post still current for SQL Server 2005?

    I am just getting into SQL Server. We installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2000 Server. Which host integration server should I use?

    I am very new to this, so I am just feeling my way through this.

  • I ca not figure out if Host Integration Server is free or not. Any suggestions?

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