list articles in a subscription

  • hi guys, is there a way to list all articles that are in a SUBSCRIPTION. I have some articles that i removed from subscriptin and not publication. i know i can run sp_helparticle to get list of all publicaton's articles. i have transaction replication.

  • i got it sp_helpsubscription


  • It's more useful to understand how SQL stored replication information. This is what I would use.

    select *

    from syssubscriptions ss with(nolock)

    inner join sysarticles sa with(nolock) on sa.artid = ss.artid

    inner join syspublications sp on sp.pubid = sa.pubid

    inner join sys.servers sss with(nolock) on sss.server_id = ss.srvid

    where = '' and

    ss.srvname = ''

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