list of dates

  • Hello,

    Given a start date and end date, is it possible to construct a select statement whose result is a list of dates spanning the timeframe specified? That is, given '01-Sep-2004' and '30-Jun-2005', can I select a list like: '01-Sep-2004', '02-Sep-2004', '03-Sep-2004',... '30-Jun-2005'?




  • Create a calendar table. TheDate Smalldatetime clustered index primary key and fill it untill 20??

    Then just do select from Calendar where Date between ? and ?

  • I am 'assuming' you need a recordset returned.  [Again, the BullDozer (Bully?) raises its ugly head].  Here is a possible, though not necessarily elegant or efficient solution: 

    DECLARE @BeginDate varchar(25), 

                 @EndDate varchar(25), 

                 @OutPut datetime

    SET @BeginDate = '01-Sep-2004'

    SET @EndDate = '30-Jun-2005'

    SET @OutPut = @BeginDate

    CREATE TABLE #DatesSelected( [Date] varchar(25))

    WHILE @Output <= @EndDate


          INSERT INTO #DatesSelected( [Date]) SELECT CONVERT( varchar, @Output, 101) 

          SELECT @Output = DATEADD( day, 1, @Output)


    SELECT * FROM #DatesSelected

    DROP TABLE #DatesSelected

    (far more reusable is you use Remi's solution.... didn't see that until after I posted... ) 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Remis Calendar solution is the correct way!

    But just for the fun of it you can always use the numbers( or sequence, like others call it) table

    select Dateadd(d,n,@startdate) Dte

    from numbers

    where n between 0 and datediff(d,@startdate,@enddate)


    * Noel

  • A DB shouldn't be without a calendar and a numbers table .

  • Ya... that should save you a KBs on the HD . But might be costlier on the CPUS. Always that depends thing.........

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