Loading Multiple Excel files dynamically

  • This is my code:

    Set @ID = '11'

    Set @Dest = C:\data.xls


    'Excel 8.0; Database=@Destination ;',

    'Select tab1,tab2 FROM [Sheet1$]')

    select tab1,tab2 from dbo.mytable

    where ID = @ID


    I need to pass this @Dest, @ID

    dynamically since I have multiple files to load.

    Iam getting error when I do this

    Is this Possible..?

    Thanks for your help...!!

  • From BOL at


    OPENROWSET does not accept variables for its arguments.

    You could use dynamic sql to perform the import something like:


    Set @Sql = 'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0; Database=' + @Dest + ' ;',

    'Select tab1,tab2 FROM [Sheet1$]')

    'select tab1,tab2 from dbo.mytable

    where ID = @ID)'

    EXEC @Sql

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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