LOCKS !!!!

  • Howzit Guys .

    I was wondering if there is a way to check deadlock information after the process that was blocking was killed , meaning does SQL store the info some where in a system table although the block doesn't exist anymore ? ...like a history type thing .

    Thank you

  • Hi Grasshopper,

    I'd use a combination of profiler, sp_lock and trace flags 1204, 1205. The last two will write you some history to the sql log. Remember to turn them off again after you find the problem as they can hurt performance.

    BOL has lots of stuff about this under 'deadlocks' and 'trace flag 1204'. Hope this is what you're after.

  • There is no way to determine this after the fact. If you are getting deadlocks, use the hints above to setup a trace and look for them.

  • Thanks , I know how to use the options given , just thought there was a way to view deadlocks I didn't catch , because some nana killed the process before I got to work ....one of these cowboy DBA's ...



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