log file growth

  • can anyone pls help me

    A log file size of a production database has been increase from 4gb to 150 gb initial size.Now i want to find when it will grow & how much it grow & which transaction is responsible for this.

  • It grew over time or all of a sudden?

    Did you check open transactions?

  • giri10488 (11/7/2015)

    can anyone pls help me

    A log file size of a production database has been increase from 4gb to 150 gb initial size.Now i want to find when it will grow & how much it grow & which transaction is responsible for this.

    More info please, recovery model, backup details, dbcc opentran output etc.


  • Eirikur Eiriksson (11/7/2015)

    giri10488 (11/7/2015)

    can anyone pls help me

    A log file size of a production database has been increase from 4gb to 150 gb initial size.Now i want to find when it will grow & how much it grow & which transaction is responsible for this.

    More info please, recovery model, backup details, dbcc opentran output etc.


    Especially the recovery model and backup info. Or you can start here: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/stairway/73776/

  • The most common reason for uncontrolled log growth is being in Full Recovery mode without having any log backups.

  • johnwalker10 (11/8/2015)

    The most common reason for uncontrolled log growth is being in Full Recovery mode without having any log backups.

    That's my guess as well.

  • Help up help you by executing the code below on your server and replying to this conversation with the result. Replace the "YourDB" values with your database name.


    USE 'YourDB'


    EXEC sp_helpdb 'YourDB'

    IF(SELECT CONVERT(int,value_in_use) FROM sys.configurations WHERE [name] = 'default trace enabled' ) = 1


    DECLARE @curr_tracefilename varchar(500)

    , @base_tracefilename varchar(500)

    , @indx int;

    SELECT @curr_tracefilename = [path]

    FROM sys.traces

    WHERE is_default = 1;

    SET @curr_tracefilename = REVERSE(@curr_tracefilename);

    SELECT @indx = PATINDEX('%\%', @curr_tracefilename);

    SET @curr_tracefilename = REVERSE(@curr_tracefilename);

    SET @base_tracefilename = LEFT( @curr_tracefilename,LEN(@curr_tracefilename) - @indx) + '\log.trc' ;


    , CONVERT(int, EventClass) [EventClass]

    , DatabaseName

    , [Filename]

    , msdb.dbo.fn_CreateTimeString((CAST(Duration AS numeric)/1000000.0)) [Duration]

    , StartTime

    , EndTime

    , IntegerData

    , (IntegerData*8.0/1024) [ChangeInSize]

    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable( @base_tracefilename, default )

    WHERE EventClass >= 92

    AND EventClass <= 95

    ORDER BY StartTime DESC;



    This script was originally published at DB_RecentFileGrowth[/url]

    [font="Verdana"]Sal Young[/font]
    [font="Verdana"]MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

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