Log File Viewer - changed behavior

  • Starting this morning, the log file viewer in 2005 management studio displays all jobs. Previously, I could right click on a job, select view history, and see the history for just that job. Now, I see all jobs.

    Similarly, if I right click on a job and select properties, I receive back a new job popup rather than the properties of the job I selected.

    Studio seems to not see that I selected a job.

    Anyone else see this.

  • The source of the problem appears to be the patch release this week. I uninstalled SQL Server on my desktop and re-installed. The problem went away.

  • This was covered already. See http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic353013-146-1.aspx

  • I would like to put in a plug here for the amazing FREE tool SQLJobVis. Gives you a Gantt chart of job schedules/executions. VERY handy for detecting overlaps so you can adjust schedules to avoid resource contention!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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