Log is Out of Space

  • hi all,

    I have a problem with one of my DB, the transaction log seems to be out of space, but physicaly I still have a large amount of free space. Also I already shrink my transaction log file with dbcc shrinkfile.

    When I check the SQL error log, there is a number of error like this :

    "fcb::ZeroFile(): GetOverLappedResult() failed with error 2."

    .. also there is one error which I dont understand :

    "Automatic checkpointing is disabled in database 'GLLive' because the log is out of space. It will continue when the database owner successfully checkpoints the database. Free up some space or extend the database and then run the CHECKPOINT statement."

    can anyone help on this ? sorry I'm just a newbie in SQL Administration.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Did you finally get a response for this.

    This could be a hardware problem..



  • You probably need to run a backup transaction xxx with no_log to free up space. You would also want to setup a regular log backup or move to simple mode.

  • Via Query Analyser 

    backup log insertdbnamehere with truncate_only


    Then shrink the tlog file either using dbcc shrinkfile or via Enterprise Manager

    all tasks

    shrink database

    selecting the log file

    This should reduce physical size of the log file on disk. 

    Then as Steve suggests set to simple if this is suitable (i.e you don't want to keep log data)

    Otherwise ensure you backup the tran log regularly. 

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