Log-on Failure after changing windows Password - weird password chaching???

  • I recently changes my windows password and with it my access to SQL Server was lost. The funny thing is I can access SQL from another machine using my new windows password and others can access the server from my machine - it appears that somehow, somewhere, my old password has been cached and is being used when I try to access sql server. I have reset a few registry entries to prevent chaching of passwords etc but all to no avail. I can still get access to the server using the sa password, but I would rather not have to do this.

    Has anyone else ever encountered this or does anyone have any suggestions?

    Many thanks in advance


  • What ways have you tried from your machine? EM, QA, other? If the issue is in EM you may need to remove the server for being registred then reregister it in EM.

  • the error is replicated in both em and qa - I have tried unregistering and re-registering the server in em but to no avail - I am getting the ubiquitous

    "login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection" +"enterprise manager" +"windows password"

    error message, but can't seem to find a way around it.

  • How about dropping and re-adding your login in SQL?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • I tried that as well - that's why I think it must be caching my credentials somewhere on my local machine 

    like I said - I can get on using my windows password from other machines and other users can get in using their credentials on my machine - it's only when I try using windows credentials from my own machine that i encounter the problem - i have trawled the registry (on my local machine) in hope of finding something that looks like it my be an old cached password but to no avail . 

    I might try doing the same thing on the server to see if I come up with anything.

    I can work around it using sa in em but anytime I try to amend a dts from within em it passes my windows credentials to sql and I am denied write access to modify the dts (even tho i have the server registered in em using sa/sql authentication mode!!), consequently i have to use ts to get directly onto the server any time i need to amend a dts which is not ideal.

    At this stage it is becoming a crusade! I am deteremined to get to the bottom of this!




    In xp/w2k03 there is a utility called stored user names and passwords which seems to store ..... user names and passwords for network locations, servers, web sites etc. I had an entry there where my network username and olde password was stored for the sql server - interestingly, i never explicitly creted the profile so i'm not really sure how it got there.

  • What is the name of the utility?


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