Log Reader problem

  • can someone else share my problem.

    I've created a publication for transactional replication type.And has been set it to

    immediate updating and queue updating.

    Base on this publication, i created a push subscription with "Immediate Updating with Queued Updating as a Failover".

    After the subscription created (from publisher), i went to the subscriptions (subscrber)and set the update method to Queued Updating as a Failover.

    When i insert a new record at subscriber's database, the new record will be inserted into the publisher database table as well.


    But, after i try to insert more than 2,3 or 4 thousand record, updating is not working anymore.

    i've observed relevent agent used, when i insert one new record from subscriber database, the Log Reader Agent is running then the distribution Agent.

    *Sometime the Queue Reader Agents is running too.

    i know that, as long as the subscriber's MSreplication_queue table having data then this agent is read the data from there

    Actually, what is the sequence for these agent running (transactional replication)

    Thank you

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • What Hapans When you reinitilzes the subscription

  • Thanks for your reply Gil_Adi.

    I've tried to reinitialize the subscription, but nothing changed. Only the snapshot is run again, when updating the data from subscriber the publisher no any update


  • I'd recommend turning the logging on for all agents via a switch in the job. I've used queued updates with no issues at all. Not clear from your post, the changes from pub to subscriber are failing, or from subscriber to pub?



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