Log shipped database security

  • I have log shipping setup with my destination database in standby/read-only mode. I can only access this database with users that have the sysadmin database role. I would like other users to be able to access this database. Since it is in read-only I cannot add read access to any logins. I also cannot associate logins with existing users in the read-only database.

    Can anyone help in being able to give users access to the standby/read-only database?

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  • I found a solution. I used sp_help_revlogin SP to create script of login on primary server which includes SID, which was the piece i was missing to associate the login on secondary box the the user in the log shipped database.


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  • Create the logins in the primary and grant them access to the log shipped db. On the secondary, you have to add the logins using the same SID.

    Donn Policarpio

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