Log shipping

  • Hi!

    In log shipping configuration process there are options:

    "Copy/load frequency" (default 15 minutes)and "Terminate users in database (Recommended)"

    I try to create a standby database, so to offload the main server, to run reports...

    Does this mean, that users running reports on the stadby database will be terminated every 15 minutes to restore log?


  • Yes, it does mean every user will be kicked out of the database. The reson behind this is that SQL Server needs to have complete control over the db before it can restore it.

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    Love like you've never been hurt.

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    Work like you don't need the money.
    Love like you've never been hurt.
    And Dance like no one is watching.

  • Yep, that is correct.

    If you need to a have a database for your users to do reporting against setup to the same server that your log shipping to. This way you'll get dual use out of the server. Disaster recovery and a reporting server.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • 2zach_john:

    "If you need to a have a database for your users to do reporting against setup to the same server that your log shipping to. This way you'll get dual use out of the server. Disaster recovery and a reporting server. "

    - Did not quite understand...

  • Server 1 DB pubs is logshipped to server 2 db pub.

    Seperately, Server 1 db pubs replicates to server 2 db pubreadonly.

    Double the storage requirement but get the most out of your CPU and memory.

    Log shipping is for disaster recovery not for giving your users a database to run reports off of.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • Server 1 DB pubs is logshipped to server 2 db pub.

    Seperately, Server 1 db pubs replicates to server 2 db pubreadonly.

    Double the storage requirement but get the most out of your CPU and memory.

    Log shipping is for disaster recovery not for giving your users a database to run reports off of.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • 2zach_john:

    "Server 1 db pubs replicates to server 2 db pubreadonly.


    Log shipping is for disaster recovery not for giving your users a database to run reports off of."

    - I already use replication and was looking for alternatives.


    - Microsoft states that log shipping can be used for running reports, but there is no use of such solution when users kicked out of database every 15 minutes (longer interval is not possible due to "up to date" requirement) Hope they will do it better in the next release of MS SQL.

    Thanks to all for replyes.

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