Log shipping

  • Hi,

    I set up a log shipping from one of my databases to a secondary one. The process seems working, but then the secondary database is out of sync. I couldn't find over the internet any way to know what was the last .trn restored on my Secondary Database. Or a way to sync the databases again. I re configure the log shipping again. after the first restore the problem happens again. (not sync between databases)... I repeat this process 3 times and I don't find a way to know why is not working.

    i don't have "error" on the logs. My log say that it couldn't restore xx file:


    2010-07-20 14:17:26.93 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: '[database]', File: 'E:\LogShipping\VwDb_20100720181709.trn'

    2010-07-20 14:17:26.93 Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database [database].

    2010-07-20 14:17:26.93 The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: [database], Number of log backup files restored: 0


    2010-07-20 14:17:26.94 Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: [database]

    2010-07-20 14:17:26.94 The restore operation was successful. Secondary ID: 'a63adfac-ba29-4275-ae99-3ecf5d35636e'


    2010-07-20 14:17:26.96 ----- END OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE -----

    my log shipping runs every hour (for each event) and I get this kind of message.

    My primary Server has a Replication set up, but it replicates to another database. I'm not sure if this can cause a conflict for the log shipping.

    Is anybody has an experience with this kind of issues? what is the best practice?

    Thank you very much in advance 🙂

  • Actually, this is the complete log summary for the last restore:


    Microsoft (R) SQL Server Log Shipping Agent

    [Assembly Version =, File Version = 9.00.1399.00]

    c Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

    2010-07-20 14:45:00.22 ----- START OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE -----


    2010-07-20 14:45:00.28 Starting transaction log restore. Secondary ID: 'a63adfac-ba29-4275-ae99-3ecf5d35636e'

    2010-07-20 14:45:00.28 Retrieving restore settings. Secondary ID: 'a63adfac-ba29-4275-ae99-3ecf5d35636e'

    2010-07-20 14:45:00.30 Retrieved common restore settings. Primary Server: '', Primary Database: '[Database]', Backup Destination Directory: 'E:\LogShipping', File Retention Period: 129600 minute(s)

    2010-07-20 14:45:00.30 Retrieved database restore settings. Secondary Database: '[Database]', Restore Delay: 0, Restore All: True, Restore Mode: Standby, Disconnect Users: True, Last Restored File: <None>, Block Size: Not Specified, Buffer Count: Not Specified, Max Transfer Size: Not Specified

    2010-07-20 14:45:00.35 Searching through log backup files for first log backup to restore. Secondary DB: '[Database]'


    2010-07-20 14:45:00.52 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: '[Database]'

    , File: 'E:\LogShipping\VwDb_20100720161501.trn'


    2010-07-20 14:45:00.69 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: '[Database]', File: 'E:\LogShipping\VwDb_20100720171501.trn'


    2010-07-20 14:45:00.85 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: '[Database]', File: 'E:\LogShipping\VwDb_20100720181500.trn'


    2010-07-20 14:45:01.03 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: '[Database]', File: 'E:\LogShipping\VwDb_20100720181709.trn'

    2010-07-20 14:45:01.03 Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database '[Database]'.

    2010-07-20 14:45:01.05 The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: '[Database]', Number of log backup files restored: 0

    2010-07-20 14:45:01.05 Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: '[Database]'

    2010-07-20 14:45:01.05 The restore operation was successful. Secondary ID: 'a63adfac-ba29-4275-ae99-3ecf5d35636e'

    2010-07-20 14:45:01.05 ----- END OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE -----

    Exit Status: 0 (Success)


    Executed as user: domain\user. The step succeeded.

    I dont understand why it doesnt take the backups. I have the TUF file.

  • Error says that the secondary database is skipping the transaction logs as it already applied them.

    You should check the copy, restore and alert timings of the database..maybe they are not correct.

    There should be .tuf file in the folder where your files are restored on sec server

    tuf files indicate that the ther transaction logs are actually restoring and will not be out of sync..

    see this


    it says

    You may have set an incorrect value for the Out of Sync Alert threshold. Ideally, you must set this value to at least three times the frequency of the slower of the Copy and Restore jobs. If the frequency of the Copy or Restore jobs is modified after log shipping is set up and functional, you must modify the value of the Out of Sync Alert threshold accordingly

    check out if ther is latency between copy and restore jobs..

    are your copy and restore jobs working fine? if yes, then its probably the time settings.

    Sushant Kumar

  • Error says that the secondary database is skipping the transaction logs as it already applied them.

    You should check the copy, restore and alert timings of the database..maybe they are not correct.

    There should be .tuf file in the folder where your files are restored on sec server

    tuf files indicate that the ther transaction logs are actually restoring and will not be out of sync..

    see this


    it says

    You may have set an incorrect value for the Out of Sync Alert threshold. Ideally, you must set this value to at least three times the frequency of the slower of the Copy and Restore jobs. If the frequency of the Copy or Restore jobs is modified after log shipping is set up and functional, you must modify the value of the Out of Sync Alert threshold accordingly

    check out if ther is latency between copy and restore jobs..

    are your copy and restore jobs working fine? if yes, then its probably the time settings.

    I changed the alerts to notify 90mintues later if not copy or restore hasnt done.

    I backup every hour, then after 15min I copy and 15 mintues later I restore.

    I do have thee .TUf file in my folder, and the .trn are been copied with no problem. I dont understand why the restore skip the files. I can see the database is not in sync because I added a table in primary server and it doesnt show in the secondary server.


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