Log Shipping Across Different Domains

  • I am moving data centers and upgrading to SQL 2014. I decided the "best " way to manage this task was to set up log shipping.

    Now I am not to sure. We are having the simplest of issues. Permissions.

    I have read and attempted several fixes that I located, but they haven't worked.

    Of course, The backup is created just fine, the jobs create just fine, the copy job fails. You know the job that goes from the secondary to the primary to copy the backup to the secondary. the error is:

    016-07-07 16:15:15.35 *** Error: Could not retrieve copy settings for secondary ID 'Place ID here'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***

    2016-07-07 16:15:15.35 *** Error: Failed to connect to server Place Server Name here.(Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ***

    2016-07-07 16:15:15.35 *** Error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) ***

    2016-07-07 16:15:15.35 ----- END OF TRANSACTION LOG COPY -----

    I have tried different server names, FNDQ, IP addresses, ect...

    Any help would be great

  • You can go in and directly modify all of the log shipping tables and jobs if you want. But personally in this situation I simply use scripts and windows scheduled tasks to move the files around and simple backup/restore jobs to do my own log shipping. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy!! 😎

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Are you able to connect the Primary SQL Server of Logshipping from Secondary SQL Server of Log Shipping from Management Studio of Secondary SQL Server.

  • SQL 2005, but it still applies:


    "Configure the network share that is configured to hold the transaction log backups to have read/change permissions for the account under which SQL Server services (on the secondary server that is configured for log shipping) are starting.

    The network share that is configured to hold the transaction log backups, should be configured to have read/change permissions for the account under which SQL Server services, on the secondary server configured for log-shipping, are starting. This share is accessed by the Copy job on the secondary server to copy the transaction log backups to the local folder on the respective secondary server. The Load job then loads these backups from the local folder.

    Cross Domain Log Shipping

    If computers that are running SQL Server are placed in a multi-domain environment, Microsoft recommends that you set up two-way trusts between all domains that are involved in log shipping. However, if you cannot establish trusts between domains, you can use network pass-through security for log shipping. Refer to the section of this article that discusses the LocalSystem network account startup option for SQL Server-related services. "

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