Log shipping in Clustered SQL Server 2005

  • Create a Share folder in your cluster adminsitratrator management console and point it to your backup and/or copy folder.

    And refer the folder as //VirtualServerName/ClusteredShareName in your LS.

    Although the folder is under your Z drive and Z is a clustering resource, that doesn't mean your folder is a clustering resource (i.e. a resource that can failover to another node automatically when failures happen). You have to create the share seperately with a name in cluster administrator so that the clustering service knows the folder is being shared among the nodes.

    To create a clustering share...see this article.

    Thanks Max,

    I have

    created the file share in Backup Group using Cluster Administrator as below:

    1. Created a folder LSTlogs in Z drive

    2.Followed the link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/224967 to cretae file share LSTlogs in the Backup Group (Z:\LSTlogs)

    3.Given the permission to mssqlsrv account for the fileshare.

    3.Given the path in the backup settings as '\\sql1vs1\LSTlogs' in Log shipping wizard (here sql1vs1 is the Virtual server name)

    4. Log shipping working fine.


    Select a group that has an existing IP Address and Network Name resources. If you do not have these resources created, you will need to complete this before continuing. For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    257932 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257932/ ) Using Microsoft Cluster Server to create a virtual server

    But, in the backup group, I do not have any existing IP Address and Network Name resources

    Now, I have moved the SQLGroup to Node 2, keeping the Fileshare (Backup Group)on Node1 itself. Then the backup is failing with the below message:


    2009-09-21 14:05:00.87 *** Error: Backup failed for Server 'SQL1VS1\INS1'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) ***

    2009-09-21 14:05:00.87 *** Error: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.(Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ***

    2009-09-21 14:05:00.87 *** Error: Cannot open backup device '\\sql1vs1\LSTlogs\WSS_Content_20090921210500.trn'. Operating system error 53(The network path was not found.).

    BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) ***

    But ideally, backup job should not fail right? Please correct me if I'm missing some configuration with the file share?? please see the attachment

    But Log shipping working fine, if I move both SQLGroup & Backup Group to NODE 2..

    One more question:

    Here the File share should be created from Backup Group OR SQLGroup??

    please advice

  • One more question:

    Here the File share should be created from Backup Group OR SQLGroup??

    Now I tried to create the File share in SQLGroup as below:

    1. Created Tlogs folder in Z drive Z:\Tlogs

    2. Created File share in SQLGroup (SQLGroup does not contain this Z drive. Z drive is in a separate BackupGroup)

    3. Given the path \\sql1vs1\Tlogs in backup settings of Log shipping wizard

    4. Log shipping working fine

    But when I move the SQLGroup to Node 2, the file share is not coming online and it again going backup to Node1.Its failing with the below messages in event viewer:

    and if I move only Backup group to node2, after couple of seconds, the SQLGroup also moving to node2 automatically?

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source: ClusSvc

    Event Category: File Share Resource

    Event ID: 1068

    Date: 9/21/2009

    Time: 3:48:55 PM

    User: N/A

    Computer: SQL1


    Cluster file share resource Tlogs failed to start with error 21.

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source: ClusSvc

    Event Category: File Share Resource

    Event ID: 1053

    Date: 9/21/2009

    Time: 3:48:55 PM

    User: N/A

    Computer: SQL1


    Cluster File Share 'Tlogs' cannot be brought online because the share could not be created.

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source: ClusSvc

    Event Category: Failover Mgr

    Event ID: 1069

    Date: 9/21/2009

    Time: 3:48:55 PM

    User: N/A

    Computer: SQL1


    Cluster resource 'Tlogs' in Resource Group 'Group 1' failed.

  • You have a few problems here, and I would highly recommend that you consider hiring somebody to come in and mentor/train you. I'll try and clear up some of your problems:

    If you want to be able to access resources in a cluster group, the cluster group has to have an IP address and name. You have to use the IP address/name for the group that contains the resource you are trying to access.

    For example, if you had the following cluster groups:

    Cluster Group

    SQL Group

    Backup Group

    Each group should have it's own IP Address/Name resources. That would allow accessing those resources using the virtual IP regardless of which node is hosting the group. Let's say you have the following:

    Cluster Group

    - IP Address

    - IP Name (MyClusterGroup)

    SQL Group

    - IP Address

    - IP Name (MySQLGroup)

    Backup Group

    - IP Address

    - IP Name (MyBackupGroup)

    Now, if you your Z:\ drive is owned by the Backup Group (is a resource in that group) - you can access that drive by using the following:

    \\\z$ or \\MyBackupGroup\z$

    The above would be referencing the hidden share for the drive and is available only for user accounts that have access to the hidden share. If you don't want to access the hidden share, you can create a file share in the Backup Group cluster group. Once that share has been created - it can be referenced using the share name (e.g. \\\MyShareName or \\MyBackupGroup\MyShareName).

    What you have tried to do is create a file share in your SQL Group accessing a resource in the Backup Group. If you think about this, how would you access that file share when the SQL Group is hosted on node 2 and the Backup Group is hosted on node 1? The Z:\ drive is not accessible on node 1 - but your SQL Group exists on Node 1 and is trying to access the resource defined as Z:\ on Node 1.

    If you still cannot figure this out, then I recommend getting somebody who is experience with clustering concepts and bring them onsite for some one on one training.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Thanks for your advice Williams,

    The above would be referencing the hidden share for the drive and is available only for user accounts that have access to the hidden share. If you don't want to access the hidden share, you can create a file share in the Backup Group cluster group. Once that share has been created - it can be referenced using the share name (e.g. \\\MyShareName or \\MyBackupGroup\MyShareName).

    here do we need to create file share in both Backup group & Cluster group after assigning Ip address & name in Backup group?

    Could you please recommend some documentation on things required to create a group in Cluster Administrator?

  • gmamata7 (9/21/2009)

    here do we need to create file share in both Backup group & Cluster group after assigning Ip address & name in Backup group?

    Could you please recommend some documentation on things required to create a group in Cluster Administrator?

    No, you cannot create a file group in the SQL Group if the drive is not a resource in that group. If the drive is a resource in the group, then you can create a file share resource in that same group.

    As for documentation, here is one article I found on MSDN with a simple search: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555312

    And this one, on creating file shares: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/224967/EN-US/

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Hi Williams,

    In-order to create the Backup Group:

    1. I need to ask Windows admin, who created the windows cluster, for an Virtual Ipaddress and Network name

    2. Then create Backup Group and then create file share right?

    and also suggest me some Microsoft elearning videos about this windows clustering, creating groups. I did not find any...


  • gmamata7 (9/21/2009)

    Hi Williams,

    In-order to create the Backup Group:

    1. I need to ask Windows admin, who created the windows cluster, for an Virtual Ipaddress and Network name

    2. Then create Backup Group and then create file share right?

    I thought you already had the backup cluster group created? Is this not so? If not, where do you have the drives for the regular backups going?

    I guess I am not clear on what you currently have - and what you really need to create. Hence, the recommendation to hire someone who can work with you on setting this up.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I thought you already had the backup cluster group created? Is this not so? If not, where do you have the drives for the regular backups going?

    Yes, I have already have the Backup Group and I had added only the Z drive in it & all the backups are going to that Backup drive.

    I'm thinking to recreate the backup group to add IPAddress & name, the way you explained to do.


  • Okay - then, once you have an IP address/name to use, you can then create the resources in the cluster group.

    You need to google for learning materials - I don't know of any specifically and used MSDN and SQL Server Books Online to learn what I needed to.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Okay - then, once you have an IP address/name to use, you can then create the resources in the cluster group


    Create the resource (physical disk) in Cluster group or Backup group?

    Do we require IPAdress & name for creating resource of type "physical disk" too?

    thanks for all your help

  • If you create a physical disk resource and want to be able to access that resource through the cluster then you have to have an IP address/name for the resource so you can reference the resource.

    If you put the resource in the Backup Group - and that group does not have an IP address/name, there is no way you can access the resource through a virtual IP address/name. You would have to access that resource through the physical nodes - which is not what you want to do, since that defeats the purpose of clustering.

    If you add the resource to the same group as SQL Server, then you can use the IP address/name of the SQL Group to reference the resource - or, you can reference the resource as the drive letter because the drive will be hosted on the same node as SQL Server because they both belong to the same group.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

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