Log Shipping Restore operation "stuck" at 100% completion

  • I have a LSRestore job for a database that's been "stuck" at 100% for the last 3 hours. The t-log file that it was restoring was about 18GB. I've never seen this job take so long to complete and I'm getting concerned. Any thoughts?

  • use sys.dm_exec_requests to check whether the job still running or stucked.

    And you could also check SQL Server errorlog whether any errors.

  • Sorry, I was hoping that whoever answered would assume I'd taken care of the basics. Yeah, I'm looking at dm_exec_requests, specifically, and can see that the completion % is (and has been) stuck at 100%. No errors in the log.

  • It happned to me once in a while when there are lot of other activity ( including other multiple backups and\or restores) on a server. Did it finally restored?

  • We are facing the same issue, where restore job is taking way longer than what it used to take before. Tried to manually restore the log file after pausing the restore job on secondary server, and found that after the restore progress reaches 100 % it was stuck and thereafter it took lot of time to complete UNDO/REDIO phase.

    Did you find anything else?

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