Log space

  • The below query gives results omitting information of few databases. Upon going through the results I found that the databases with is_cleanly_shutdown is 1 are missing.

    DBCC sqlperf (logspace)

    Please throw some light on this..

    ______________________________________________________________Every Problem has a Solution; Every Solution has a Problem: 🙂

  • karthik babu (1/8/2014)

    The below query gives results omitting information of few databases. Upon going through the results I found that the databases with is_cleanly_shutdown is 1 are missing.

    DBCC sqlperf (logspace)

    Please throw some light on this..

    SQL Server can't report on databases that aren't online.

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  • Those DBs aren't offline.

    ______________________________________________________________Every Problem has a Solution; Every Solution has a Problem: 🙂

  • Is it possible your user isn't allowed to view information on the missing databases?

  • I am logging as sa

    Also I found if I am running "use database", that particular database, the value of is_cleanly_shutdown becomes 1

    And those databases are not showing up when I run DBCC sqlperf (logspace)

    the mystery continues....

    ______________________________________________________________Every Problem has a Solution; Every Solution has a Problem: 🙂

  • If you have databases with a is_cleanly_shutdown status of 1 then the database is effectively invisible to DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE). That is the reaason you cannot see them.

    This also happens if the database is in recovery.

  • karthik babu (1/8/2014)

    Those DBs aren't offline.

    No, but they're shut down. That's what 'is_cleanly_shutdown' means, the database is closed, not in use. Probably they have auto_close enabled.

    It's not a mystery, databases that are not online (closed, offline, recovering, recovery_pending) don't show up in that DBCC because they're not in use.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • Oh Yes.. the auto close on option was enabled and hence those doubts.. I have made it false now and my doubt is cleared.. somebody created with those options ON.

    Thanks a lot Gail!!

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