logical file name is different in backup

  • I encountered a situation on a database that I've never seen before.

    My database name is


    Logical Names are

    Data = Name1_Data

    Log = Name1_Log

    When I backup the file and check the logical names, it shows up as

    Data = Name1_Dat

    Log = Name1_Lo

    I am then required to restore the database with a move using the new logical name instead of what the database info says:

    For example:

    restore database name1_test

    from disk = 'backup file'


    move 'Name1_Dat' to 'new data',

    move 'Name1_Lo' to 'new_log file'

    When I deatach the database and reattached and do a backup, the logical file names are correct again when I do a restore filelistonly, but the restores will no longer work. I actually have to change the logical names again to somehow make the system truncate the last letter. Now backups and restores are working again.

    Anybody seen this?

  • Hay Steve,

    It is sounding very strange!!! Is this issue is with only database or is it happening to all databases across the instance? BTW, which version of SQL server is this?

    I am suspecting corrupt database engine or some virus activity

    - SAMJI
    If you marry one they will fight with you, If you marry 2 they will fight for you 🙂

  • Hi

    Can you provide the output of:

    select name from Name1.sys.database_files


    restore filelistonly from disk='<your path to your full backup>'



    David B.

  • COOL_ICE (9/6/2010)

    Hay Steve,

    It is sounding very strange!!! Is this issue is with only database or is it happening to all databases across the instance? BTW, which version of SQL server is this?

    I am suspecting corrupt database engine or some virus activity

    This is only happening in one database. I have 10 other databases and I've checked and double checked the back files and they are OK.


    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) Apr 2 2010 15:48:46 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7600: ) (Hypervisor)

    David BAFFALEUF (9/7/2010)


    Can you provide the output of:

    select name from Name1.sys.database_files


    restore filelistonly from disk='<your path to your full backup>'



    Out of sys database files. ( note, this is correct and what I expect to see in the backup files)



    Backup Files

    CDLA_Dat F:\SqlData\CarpeDiemLA_Data.MDF

    CDLA_Lo G:\SqlLog\CarpeDiemLA_Log.LDF


  • OK. More testing done today and this is what I encountered.

    1. Created a new database called "Test" with all defaults.

    2. Backup database to file called "test.bak".

    3. Check logical file name in the backup using RESTORE FILELISTONLY and the logical names are



    4. Use alter database statement on database to append "Test" to the logical name.

    Test > TestTest

    Test_Log > Test_Logtest

    5. Backup databse to file called "test2.bak"

    6. Check logical file name in the backup using RESTORE FILELISTONLY and the logical names are



    I've duplicated this on 2 Sql2008 R2 systems.


    7. Deleted my "Test" database.

    8. Restored my test database using the Test2.bak files from Step 5.


    FROM DISK = 'H:\SqlBackup\Test2.bak'


    MOVE 'TestTest' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.MDF',

    MOVE 'Test_logTesT' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.LDF'

    Msg 3234, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Logical file 'TestTest' is not part of database 'Test2'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    9. If i run the following, I'm OK.


    FROM DISK = 'H:\SqlBackup\Test2.bak'


    MOVE 'TestTes' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.MDF',

    MOVE 'Test_logTes' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.LDF'

    Processed 160 pages for database 'Test2', file 'TestTes' on file 1.

    Processed 1 pages for database 'Test2', file 'Test_logTes' on file 1.

    RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 161 pages in 0.160 seconds (7.861 MB/sec).

    See the differences in the logical files names?

    10. Interestingly, if the database already exist and I do a restore with replace, I get the following:


    FROM DISK = 'H:\SqlBackup\Test2.bak'


    MOVE 'TestTest' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.MDF',

    MOVE 'Test_logTest' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.LDF',


    The file "TestTes" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "TestTest". RESTORE will continue operating upon the renamed file.

    The file "Test_logTes" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "Test_logTest". RESTORE will continue operating upon the renamed file.

    Processed 160 pages for database 'Test2', file 'TestTes' on file 1.

    Processed 1 pages for database 'Test2', file 'Test_logTes' on file 1.

    RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 161 pages in 0.051 seconds (24.662 MB/sec).

    11. If i use the truncate logical name, it will restore without any additional warnings.


    FROM DISK = 'H:\SqlBackup\Test2.bak'


    MOVE 'TestTes' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.MDF',

    MOVE 'Test_logTes' TO 'F:\SqlData\Test2.LDF',


    12. My teammate tried this on Sql 2008 (not sure about sp1 or not) and it did not exhibit this behavior. This looks to be a R2 only issue.

  • Just an update:

    A ticket was open with Microsoft support and they confirmed that they can reproduce this issue and are having the developers look into this issue.

    I will update this as Microsoft updates our case notes.

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